23 June 2012

Laboratory Hitchhikers

When most people have a job that requires “taking their work home with them,” it usually involves preparing for a presentation on the company finances or finishing a coversheet for their TPS report. This week, my work hitchhiked home with me—several of my “lab rat” fruit flies made a peregrination to establish a colony in the case of blackberries sitting by my window.

Now, the easy definition of peregrination is “a travel or journey,” but for everyone interested I have assembled a flowchart elaborating some of the etymology and related background.
Click for enlarged image. This is a prime example of how our brains work.
This weekend, I have the wonderful task of reading a 100-page dissertation that will inevitably lead to me sitting in a field getting stung by bees. Conversely, earlier this week found me simultaneously taking notes with a fountain pen, doing chemistry, and listening to classical music… now why on earth is it so hard to buy a bow tie these days?

1 comment:

  1. We have some bow tie shopping experience now...turns out there still is a market for them. You're not alone!
